2020. 3. 1. 12:51ㆍ카테고리 없음
.Here’s the free circuit which can program 89S series microcontroller through USB.
HI, I have problem with programming microcontroler AT89C51. I am trying to make lcd digital watch, alarm and thermometer. I have.C source code downloaded from this site. I converted that.C file to.Hex using KEIL and now I want to program it in chip.I have Universal programmer BEE PROG +.
8051 Programmer
When I select chip and load.hex file in software, I write data without problem. When I read data in chip I see that Software Write that in mdle of chip memory and.hex characters are changed. When I compare it with hex workshop I see that there are a lot changes and my project don`t work. My pcb is ok 100% onlay what I have is backlight on my 16X2 lcd screen.Can someone tell me what is wrong in programming and is it normal?Best regards.